Currency Exchange
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Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
US Dollar
0.7722 USD 1 = 1.295 SGD
0.7634 USD 1 = 1.31 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
0.7018 EUR 1 = 1.425 SGD
0.6964 EUR 1 = 1.436 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
British Pound
0.5952 GBP 1 = 1.68 SGD
0.5807 GBP 1 = 1.722 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Swiss Franc
0.6667 CHF 1 = 1.5 SGD
0.6527 CHF 1 = 1.532 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Canadian Dollar
1.0638 CAD 1 = 0.94 SGD
1.0352 CAD 1 = 0.966 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Australian Dollar
1.1494 AUD 1 = 0.87 SGD
1.1236 AUD 1 = 0.89 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
New Zealand Dollar
1.25 NZD 1 = 0.8 SGD
1.224 NZD 1 = 0.817 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Chinese Yuan
5.4645 CNY 100 = 18.3 SGD
5.38 CNY 100 = 18.59 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Malaysian Ringgit
3.2573 MYR 100 = 30.7 SGD
3.235 MYR 100 = 30.91 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Japanese Yen
115.607 JPY 1,000 = 8.65 SGD
112.6 JPY 1,000 = 8.881 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Philippine Peso
45.4545 PHP 100 = 2.2 SGD
43.3 PHP 100 = 2.31 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Hong Kong Dollar
6.0976 HKD 100 = 16.4 SGD
5.93 HKD 100 = 16.86 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Taiwan Dollar
24.8139 TWD 100 = 4.03 SGD
24.4 TWD 100 = 4.1 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Singapore Dollar
0 SGD 1 = 1 SGD
1 SGD 1 = 1 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Indian Rupees
67.1141 INR 100 = 1.49 SGD
66 INR 100 = 1.52 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Indonesian Rupiah
12004.8019 IDR 1,000 = 0.0833 SGD
11750 IDR 1,000 = 0.0851 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Vietnamese Dong
19801.9802 VND 100,000 = 5.05 SGD
19100 VND 100,000 = 5.2356 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Qatari Riyal
3.125 QAR 100 = 32 SGD
2.6455 QAR 100 = 37.8 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Saudi Riyal
2.8986 SAR 100 = 34.5 SGD
2.84 SAR 100 = 35.21 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Thai Baht
25.5754 THB 1,000 = 39.1 SGD
25.3 THB 1,000 = 39.5 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
UAE Dirham
2.8571 UAE 100 = 35 SGD
2.785 UAE 100 = 35.91 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
South Korean Won
1030.93 WON 1,000 = 0.97 SGD
1008 WON 1,000 = 0.9921 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Turkish Lira
33.3333 TRY 100 = 3 SGD
24.5 TRY 100 = 4.08 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
South African Rand
14.2857 ZAR 100 = 7 SGD
13.15 ZAR 100 = 7.6 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Russian Ruble
83.3333 RUB 100 = 1.2 SGD
45.4545 RUB 100 = 2.2 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Danish Kroner
5.4054 DKK 100 = 18.5 SGD
4.9505 DKK 100 = 20.2 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Norwegian Krone
8.6957 NOK 100 = 11.5 SGD
7.6923 NOK 100 = 13 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Swedish Krona
8.3333 SEK 100 = 12 SGD
7.5758 SEK 100 = 13.2 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Israeli Shekel
3.5714 ILS 100 = 28 SGD
2.3256 ILS 100 = 43 SGD
Pound Sterling to US Dollar Exchange Rate
Kuwaiti Dinar
0.241 KWD 100 = 415 SGD
0.2222 KWD 100 = 450 SGD
Last updated rates at 2024-10-05 15:46:54
Disclaimer: Rates are subject to change, and stocks are subject to availability. Please contact our customer helpdesk at +65 88900065.

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